Matches Notes: #1 Penn State vs # 2 Iowa!

Matches Notes: #1 Penn State vs # 2 Iowa!

Updates of all action from State College in real time as the #2 Iowa Hawkeyes wrestle the #1 Penn State Nittany Lions in the Bryce Jordan Center!

Jan 31, 2025 by Andrew Spey
Matches Notes: #1 Penn State vs # 2 Iowa!

The #1 ranked Penn State Nittany Lions face their toughest test of the season as their Big Ten rivals, the #2 Iowa Hawkeyes are in State College for the biggest dual of the year!

Complete Preview | 149lbs | 157lbs | 184lbs | 197lbs

The dual is being broadcast on the Big Ten Network, so you'll need a cable subscription to watch live. Start time is scheduled for 7:00PM ET. 

The expected lineups are below. And below that are the updates we'll be providing in real-time as they happen!

Probable Lineups:

125: #9 Luke Lilledahl, Penn State vs #23 Joey Cruz, Iowa

133: #7 Braeden Davis, Penn State vs #2 Drake Ayala, Iowa 

141: #3 Beau Bartlett, Penn State vs #18 Ryder Block/Jace Rhodes, Iowa

149: #3 Shayne Van Ness, Penn State vs #4 Kyle Parco, Iowa

157: #3 Tyler Kasak, Penn State vs #1 Jacori Teemer, Iowa

165: #1 Mitchell Mesenbrink, Penn State vs #2 Michael Caliendo, Iowa

174: #2 Levi Haines, Penn State vs #6 Patrick Kennedy, Iowa

184: #1 Carter Starocci, Penn State vs #5 Gabe Arnold/Angelo Ferrari, Iowa

197: #4 Josh Barr, Penn State vs #1 Stephen Buchanan, Iowa

285: #2 Greg Kerkvliet, Penn State vs #10 Ben Kueter, Iowa

And the first curve ball of the night comes courtesy of the Iowa wrestling social media accounts, which lists Angelo Ferrari as the 184lb Hawkeye starter. 

Less of a curve ball but still good to know is that the dual is starting at 125. 

Coach Sanderson's Lions are on a 65 match winning streak. Not bad!

125: #9 Luke Lilledahl, Penn State vs #23 Joey Cruz, Iowa

1st period: And we're underway! Cruz on the attack early, looking for a leg, Lilledahl counterattacks and he gets the takedown. Navy ride has Cruz in danger but no nearfall. Escape for Cruz and it's 3-1 early in the period. Halfway thru the period looks like Luke jammed his thumb and he needs injury time. Also replay showed it was exactly a Navy ride but just two legs bundled up in one of Luke's arms. Anyhow, back to action, Cruz gets choice of position because of the injury time and he takes bottom. Lilledahl stops the first few attempts Cruz makes at escaping. 1:06 on the clock after they go out of bounds, no change in position. Lilledhal keeping all his weight on Cruz, frustrating all his stand up attempts. Riding time over 90 seconds, we're in short time. And Lilledahl gets the rideout. Still 3-1 after 3 minutes. 

2nd period: Lilledahl takes bottom, and he has no trouble standing and escaping, keeping riding time at 1:38. Low single for Lilledahl, he starts climbing up Cruz's leg, and another takedown makes it 7-1 for the Lion. Lilleahl continues to frustrate Curz. And it's another rideout. Riding time all but locked up, score still 7-1. 

3rd period: Cruz takes bottom again, Lilledahl goes optional start, Cruz is out to make it 7-2, Lilledhal immediately in on a shot, catch and release gives Luke another takedown to make it 13-3, now 13-4. Takedown again for Luke and it's 16-4. One minute left, escape makes it 16-5. Cruz is shot out of bounds and picks up a stall warning. Lilledahl gunning for the tech-fall. Level change, penetration and it's 19-5. Escape makes it 19-6, a takedown will make it a tech. Cruz now has a leg, but Lilledahl fights through it for the go behind and 22-6 tech-fall!

125 final: Luke Lilledahl, Penn State over Joey Cruz, Iowa (TF 22-6 6:43)

Penn State 5, Iowa 0

133: Kurt McHenry, Penn State vs #2 Drake Ayala, Iowa

1st period: Another curve ball! No Davis, instead it's senior Kurt McHenry, a transfer from Michigan. Slide by from Ayala and it's a quick three for the NCAA finalist Drake Ayala. QUick escape and it's 3-1. McHenry tries to slow things down but Ayala keeps the high pace going and he collects another takedown. Another quick escape makes it 6-2. One minute to go in the first. McHenry, normally a 125 pounder, picked up a stall warning. Sweep single for Ayala and he finishes quickly to run it up to 9-2 in short time. Ayala completes the rideout and takes 27 seconds of riding time and a 7 point lead into the second. 

2nd period: Ayala takes down, stands and is out almost instantly. 10-2. Snap down for Ayala and he has an angle and a takedown. Release then catch then release and it's 16-4 just like that. One last takedown and it's a second period tech-fall for Ayala! Hawks ties the score.

133 final: Drake Ayala, Iowa over Kurt McHenry, Penn State (TF 19-4 3:42)

Penn State 5, Iowa 5

141: #3 Beau Bartlett, Penn State vs Cullan Schriever, Iowa

1st period: And it's it's neither Rhodes nor Block for Iowa, instead the Hawkeyes have Schriever fever! Early single for Bartlett and he's got Schriever hopping in the air. Bartlett brings him down to the mat and finishes for three. Quick escape and it's 3-1 in Bartlett's favor. We got a stoppage for blood time for Bartlett. Back to action. Back to blood time. Back to action! Under a minute to go. Slick ankle pick and Bartlett gets another takedown with about 30 seconds left. His cotton nose plug flies out though so we stop to put a new one in. And Schriever sits out on the edge and escapes just before time runs out and it's 6-2 as the period ends. 

2nd period: Schriever takes down. First attempt to escape is stopped but he's out the net time and it's 6-3. Still in neutral half way through the period. Short time, and Bartlett needs his bloody nose plugged up. Back to action, no change in score as the second period ends. 

3rd period: Bartlett takes down and Schriever says to take the point and lets go neutral. 7-3 Bartlett. A couple of flurries but no scores as we round the final minute. Some more action but no more scores. Schriever keeps it to a regular decision. 

141 final: Beau Bartlett, Penn State over Cullan Schriever, Iowa (D 7-3)

Penn State 8, Iowa 5

149: #3 Shayne Van Ness, Penn State vs #4 Kyle Parco, Iowa

1st period: Our first top 5 matchup of the day! Van Ness immediately in on a single. Van Ness skies Parco's leg and trips him down but doesn't have the takedown yet. Okay now he has the takedown. Parco fights to his feet and it's 3-1 in under 45 seconds. Parco on the attack now. Van Ness defends. Parco on a single leg now. Van Ness defends the first attack but Parco adjusts and he returns the favor, corralling Van Ness for the 4-3 lead. Van Ness quickly out though so it's tied 4-4, riding time at one second for SVN. The period ends in neutral, still tied. 

2nd period: Parco takes down, he's up, but not out, and now he's in on a shot and he'll get a reversal to make it 6-4. Quick escape for Van Ness and it's 6-5. Parco goes in for a shot and we get a scramble that ends in a stalemate. Arm drag and big step in by Van Ness and he's got Parco down to the mat with a nice trip.V Van Ness splits the legs and now Parco is on his back. Swipes coming. Takedown and four nearfall makes it 12-6. Huge move by SVN! Period ends same score. 

3rd period: Van Ness on bottom. Parco let's him out. Parco in on a shot, cartwheel defense from Van Ness oohs the crowd. Van Ness in on a shot, drives Parco back but he finds a way to defend. They go out of bounds but Van Ness attacks on the restart and that shot converts to make it 16-6. Van Ness riding tough. He keeps Parco flat, looks for a bow and arrow, but that's how the bout will end. Major decision for Shayne Van Ness!

Riding time point makes it a 17-6 final.

149 final: Shayne Van Ness, Penn State over Kyle Parco, Iowa (MD 17-6)

Penn State 12, Iowa 5

157: #3 Tyler Kasak, Penn State vs #1 Jacori Teemer, Iowa

1st period: Another huge match for us fans! Upper body attack from Teemer is thwarted. Then he has a headgear malfunction that he fixes. Inadvertent eye poke and Kasak needs a second. Half way through the period and still double bagels on the scoreboard. A tactical rest of the period by both wrestlers. No flurries or serious shots and it's 0-0 after three minutes. 

2nd period: Kasak goes underneath. He stands and is out quickly to draw first blood. 1-0 Kasak. Kasak reaches in and he has a single leg. Teemer tries to step over and looks to cut the corner but Kasak ferociously climbs up the body to finish for three and a 4-0 lead. Kasak has wrist control and keeps Teemer tied up. Over a minute of riding time for Kasak but then in short time Teemer his a slick granby and nearly has a reversal but they go out of bounds and Teemer is awarded the escape. RT at 1:03 for Kasak, 4-1 on the scoreboard. And somewhere in that exchange Kasak got smashed over the right eye and he's got a bleeding wound on the forehead. Van Ness gets a head wrapped up and they are back to the center with 17 seconds left in the period. Teemer trying to sneak in a takedown in short time. He shoots Kasak nearly off the mat, Kasak nearly reattacks with a low takedown but no scores and it's 4-1 going into the final stanza. 

3rd period: Teemer back on bottom. He tries another granby but that one doesn't land. Teemer stands but the go out of bounds, no change. 1:36 of RT for Kasak, 1:27 on the clock. Rounding the final minute and now Teemer is out to make it 4-2. Teemer needs a takedown and ride out as Kasak now has the RT point secured. Level change and a reach by a foot for a trip but Kasak sniffed it out and nearly gets the go behind. They go out of bounds in rear standing for no scores. Inside trip attempt by Teemer and Kasak stops him and has rear standing again with 10 seconds to go. Kasak doesn't try to bring him to the mat, he'll wisely just kill the clock in that position, and down goes number one! Kasak wins by decision and he stays undefeated on the season. 

157 final: Tyler Kasak, Penn State over Jacori Teemer, Iowa (D 5-2)

Penn State 15, Iowa 5

165: #1 Mitchell Mesenbrink, Penn State vs #2 Michael Caliendo, Iowa

1st period: We're going from strength to strength as we return from the halftime break with a #1 vs #2! Just like the team rankings! Lots of a attacks early, no surprise. Caliendo gets the deeps grip on a leg, trying to pivot and complete the takedown but Mesenbrink's hips are doing enough to keep Caliendo at bay, and we get a potentially dangerous. Mesenbinrk with his hands around a leg, and he muscles it up to get the takedown and throws the first points up on the board. Quick escape makes it 3-1 Mesenbrink with about a minute left in the period. Swing single for Mesenbrink, Caliendo looking to cut the corner, now defending with a chest wrap. Mesenrbink puts Caliendo in neutral danger and holds him there for a three count to make it 6-1. He'll get the rideout and it's 6-1 and 40 seconds of RT for Mitchell. 

2nd period: Caliendo takes bottom, weathers a cross face, sits and turns in for the escape. Shot from Mesenbrink, Caliendo tries to cut the corner again but Mesenbrink finishes quickly this time. 9-2 and he breaks Caliendo down flat. Stall warning on Caliendo. Mesenbrink relentless. Another stall warning gives Mesenbrink a 10-2 lead and that's the score at the break. 

3rd period: Mesenrbink starts on bottom. Quick reversal and it's 12-2. Escape and takedown makes it 15-3, 15-4 with an escape. Mesenbrink not slowing down. Another takedown makes it 18-4 and Mesenbrink now in a race against the clock to get the tech. Close to the final 30 seconds and Mesenbrink induces another stall call and that's the tech-fall over number 2! 

165 final: Mitchell Mesenbrink, Penn State over Michael Caliendo, Iowa (TF 19-4)

Penn State 20, Iowa 5

174: #2 Levi Haines, Penn State vs #6 Patrick Kennedy, Iowa

1st period: Not quite a too 5 matchup but pretty close! About 45 seconds in we get a nice flurry, Haines tries to roll Kennedy through who's deep on a shot. The scramble continues until 1:43 when stalemate is called. Fierce handfighting but no more scores. A nice flurry closes out the period. 

2nd period: Haines gets the first turn on bottom. He's out in under 10 seconds to make it 1-0. Halfway through the 2nd period and there have been a lot of clubs and more hand fighting but no more scores. And as I type that Haines changes levels, shoots in deep and finishes clean for a takedown and a 4-0 lead. He rides out the period. 

3rd period: Kennedy underneath, he sits out and he's out quickly. Riding time stuck at 24 seconds and the score is 4-1. A takedown and rideout would do it for Kennedy but there's a lot of time left on the clock. And now it's essentially moot as right after the one minute mark in the period Haines shoots and finishes cleanly to make it 7-1. Escape, then takedown and escape and it's 10-3 regular decision for Haines!

171 final: Levi Haines, Penn State over Patrick Kennedy, Iowa (D 10-3)

Penn State 23, Iowa 5

184: #1 Carter Starocci, Penn State vs Angelo Ferrari, Iowa

1st period: True freshman vs super senior! Ferrari comes out aggressive but Starocci too stout and he marches Ferrari to the edge and then shoots him out of bounds to cause Ferrari to pick up a stall warning. Ferrari staying active but unable to get through Carter's defenses. Likewise after 90 seconds Starocci hasn't found a way through to Ferrari's legs. Starocci's positioning is on point and Ferrari picks up another stall call to make it 1-0. Starocci in on a single, nice defense from Ferrari and the period ends, still 1-0. 

2nd period: Ferrari chooses down. Ferrari's first few attempts are stopped but he stays in his base. Now Ferrari up to his feet but he's driven out of bounds 46 seconds into the period, no change in position. Another stand by Ferrari, now he's able to slip free to tie the score but Starocci immediately back in on a single leg. More slick roll through defense from Ferrari and he does will to keep the score tied as the period ends 1-1, though Starocci has over a minute of riding time. 

3rd period: Starocci takes a turn underneath. Ferrari needs to ride for 18 seconds to get RT under a minute. Starocci is out in 11 seconds to make it 2-1 and preserve 1:07 of RT. Ferrari back in on a shot but Starocci sprawls and action is stalemated. Ferrari with a low shot but Starocci times a reattack and he's got a single leg. Starocci has Ferrari hopping with less than 30 seconds to go. Ferrari showing off his balance and flexibility. Riding time locked up as we get a stalemate with 7 seconds left. A takedown could do it for Ferrari but Starocci hasn't given up a takedown all season. After two cautions Ferrari goes on the attack but Starocci backs away and runs out the clock. 3-1 win for Starocci as the true freshman acquits himself admirably!

184 final Carter Starocci, Penn State over Angelo Ferrari, Iowa (D 4-1)

Penn State 26, Iowa 5

197: #4 Josh Barr, Penn State vs #1 Stephen Buchanan, Iowa

1st period: How about one more top 5 matchup? Sure let's do it! Redshirt freshman vs multiple-time All-American senior! Cautious first minute of wrestling, still 0-0. Another minute and not a lot of attacks. Now a flurry as Buchanan is in on a deep shot but Barr throws his hips down to the mat and wrestles back to neutral. 30 seconds left in the period. And we'll keep the donuts on the scoreboard going into the second. 

2nd period: Barr chooses down. Buchanan returns his first two stand attempts. Buchanan drives Barr out of bounds after about 30 seconds. Barr gets a fresh start. After a minute Barr gets hip to hip and frees himself to draw first blood. 1-0 Barr, Buchanan with 1:06 on the RT clock. Barr should be able to run that off in the third but we'll see. No change in scores as the period ends. 

3rd period: Buchanan on bottom, and he dives rolls free of Barr to tie the score and preserve 62 seconds of riding time. No stall calls on either wrestler. Barr on the attack, Buchanan defends. Rounding the final minute of regulation. Now Buchanan with a single leg, Barr dives for a leg, and we get a stalemate with about 50 seconds left. Barr firing off multiple attacks. Buchanan times his last one and has a leg and and angle. He gets the second leg and Buchanan secures the takedown to ice it. Buchanan runs out the clock with a 4-1 lead, then adds the RT point to make it 5-1 as Barr loses for the first time in his varsity career!

197 final: Stephen Buchanan, Iowa over Josh Barr, Penn State (D 5-1)

Penn State 26, Iowa 8

285: #2 Greg Kerkvliet, Penn State vs #10 Ben Kueter, Iowa

1st period: Top 10 matchup to close out the dual! Just before a minute elapses Kerkvliet fires off a big man blast double and he brings Keuter down for the first points. After a minute of riding Keuter gets the escape. And Kerkvliet times another blast double just before time runs about to make it 6-1 after three minutes. 

2nd period: Keuter takes down and Kerkvliet breaks Keuter down flat. Keuter spends most of the period on his stomach and Kerkvleit gets the ride out. No nearfall but over four minutes of riding time as the period ends. So Kerkvliet has the RT point secured to go with his 6-1 lead. 

3rd period: Kerkvliet gets a turn on bottom and he escapes quickly to make it 7-1. Major decision within reach, we'll see how far Kerkvliet pushes it. Slide by and Kerkvliet gets three! Or does he? It's ruled no takedown but the refs are taking another look. And they rule fleeing on Keuter, so that's a stall point and it's 8-1. Keuter on the attack after the restart but Kerkvliet has him clocked and he gets the go behind to lead 11-1. It's essentially 12-1 and Kerkvleit will ride out the match for a 12-1 major! Make that 12-2 as Keuter escaped just before time ran out. Either way, makor for Kerk!

285 final: Greg Kerkvliet, Penn State over Ben Kueter, Iowa (MD 12-2)

FINAL SCORE: Penn State 30, Iowa 8

That'll do it from State College! Already running out of ways to say how impressive this Penn State team is but we have another month of duals before the postseason so I guess we'll have to think of some new stuff! Apologies for the typos, see you next time!